Sections & Multi-column forms

Using Sections, it's easier than ever before to create multi-column forms and surveys, manage large bundles of logic, calculations, or display multiple fields at once on our conversational format, and more!

How to add Sections

Simply add a "Section" element to your form, just like you would add any other element in your form.

How to use Sections

Simply drag and drop existing fields on your form inside of the section, and it'll be part of that section. The forms within this section will now be able to have columns applied to them, as well as easier access to applying a large amount of logic at once!

How to create multi-column Sections

When you have added a section to your form, you can assign the number of columns in the field editor. We allow you to create Sections that have up to 4 columns, but you can also combine sections within sections to create unique types of fields for your forms.

The sizes of each column can also be changed respectively, allowing you full control of the way your columns are displayed.

A single-column Section essentially looks like fields would normally (just bundled), whereas a multi-column Section gives your form a completely different look.

How to use Sections with Logic

Just like any other form field, you can apply field logic to Sections as well. When you're in the Logic builder on your form, simply select the section and assign the logic rules on when it should be displayed or hidden. All fields within the Section will be displayed when the logic is triggered, and you can also create logic within sections to create and manage complex form structures.

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