Embedding a QuestionScout form on your website

Embedding your QuestionScout forms on your website shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes.

List of embed options for each form type

  • Responsive embed - This form fills scale up to fit the width of the container it's in.
  • Fixed embed - This form will be fixed to the size you select
  • Popup embed - This form will launch in a popup window when the user clicks the button.
  • Fullscreen embed - This form will take up an entire page.
  • Fixed embed - This form will be fixed to the size you select
  • Popup embed - This form will launch in a popup window when the user clicks the button
  • Fullscreen embed - This form will take up an entire page

To embed your forms, simply select one of the embedding options within the Share modal, and configure the settings of your embed. Afterward, copy-and-paste the code we've generated on your website, and you're good to go!

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